Predict the price of SOL

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Double Moon: predict $PYTH and $WEN
Predict price of $PYTH, $WEN and other assets and participate in March With Friends Tournament!
We just added $PYTH and $WEN price predictions and in order to celebrate it we want to launch 3 weeks long March With Friends Tournament!
Top 3 users get 500$ of prizes and much more to be raffled. More predictions = more chances to win. Check Monthly leaderboard to find your position
*Ends on April 1st, 6pm UTC
DeCalls partners
Pyth Network

Pyth Network is real-time market data provider for our prediction platform.

Shyft | Solana APIs

Shyft is top tier Solana APIs, RPCs , Graphql provider ensuring optimized and fast solutions.

Explore an unmatched experience
in predicting SOL price
Learn more about ways to earn with us as a user, holder or partner.
Degen Mode
1 minute to predict if the price goes up or down and 1 minute to see if it went Moon or Doom. Winners get all the prize pool, we guarantee 1.75x payout
Reward System
Our main goal is to reward our skilled and active users. We have lots of daily and weekly prizes. Even more, you can earn with every prediction made by you or your friends
Prize Categories
Win weekly prizes by being on the top of our Leaderboard or participate in raffles having more claimed wins, also convert Streak Points to $SOL. Top 3 on Top Streaks list get rewards daily
Zealy Quests
Follow us on Zealy, complete weekly and daily quests supporting us on socials and doing daily platform tasks to earn more XP and win more prizes weekly incuding Future Trader NFT raffle
Increase your Tier by predicting more
The more you and your followers predict, the higher your tier and reward will be.
Share your referral code and earn up to 20% from your follower fees
Future Trader NFT receives 100% revenue
100% of DeCalls revenue is distributed among all Future Trader NFT holders. Minimum amount to claim is 0.001 SOL (per Future Trader)
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